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    I was going to post something else today, a little idea about using old DVD covers and 5×7 picture frames to use for wall art, but I’ll save it for later. That’s because I’ve thought, since I launched the blog, about what it means to level up one’s base. I realize it’s not some deep philosophy. I’m not that pompous. But it struck me that improving a living space is going to mean different things to different people. For instance, in my case, I have very eclectic tastes (which is a nice way of saying that I like everything and don’t ever get rid of anything.) I’ll be looking to…

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    First Post! – An Introduction to Myself and the Site

    Hello, fellow nerds and geeks. My name is Tim Scott, and this is my new blog, Level Up Your Base. I have always had an interest in design and decor, which I guess comes from my father. He owns an antique shop and always has the coolest stuff! In fact, I get a lot of my furniture, baubles, and knickknacks from his store. I’m also really into video games, movies, anime, comic books, sci-fi and fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, and everything else in-between. Several years back I started cultivating my own design style which incorporated many of these elements. What I want to do with this blog is give design ideas…