I was going to post something else today, a little idea about using old DVD covers and 5×7 picture frames to use for wall art, but I’ll save it for later. That’s because I’ve thought, since I launched the blog, about what it means to level up one’s base. I realize it’s not some deep philosophy. I’m not that pompous. But it struck me that improving a living space is going to mean different things to different people.

For instance, in my case, I have very eclectic tastes (which is a nice way of saying that I like everything and don’t ever get rid of anything.) I’ll be looking to kick the clutter a bit and maybe work to unify themes. So, I’ll be posting a lot about that as I work to improve my place. Of course, I won’t try to push anyone towards minimalism. I’ll leave that to other blogs. But I’d like to write about how to pare down while still keeping the things that we love or can’t live without.

Other people may want to fill their base to the brim with stuff, and that’s fine too. The goal is to find a style that suits you and make it work with the space you have. Some may want to create a steampunk themed living room, or a cyberpunk inspired work space for their PC. I’m definitely on board for some battlestation posts. Others might want to build display cases for their gaming systems, collectibles, or comics. You might be looking for ideas for a kid’s bedroom, or possibly your own. Maybe you just moved into your first apartment and are just looking for a bit of inspiration.

The point is, what I’d like to do here is offer up advice and offer tips on how to carry out some of these goals that you may have, as well as providing a place where you might generate ideas. Anyway, I look forward to getting down to business and should have a new post up very soon.



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