First Post! – An Introduction to Myself and the Site

Hello, fellow nerds and geeks. My name is Tim Scott, and this is my new blog, Level Up Your Base. I have always had an interest in design and decor, which I guess comes from my father. He owns an antique shop and always has the coolest stuff! In fact, I get a lot of my furniture, baubles, and knickknacks from his store. I’m also really into video games, movies, anime, comic books, sci-fi and fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, and everything else in-between. Several years back I started cultivating my own design style which incorporated many of these elements.

What I want to do with this blog is give design ideas and tips, specifically aimed towards people with similar interests as my own. Hopefully, readers will come here looking for cool ideas on how to spruce up their living space with some new and exciting things. I will be starting out posting some things that I have personally tried out, as well as some design principles that have worked for me. There are some small projects I have done that are incredibly simple to replicate and I will be sharing those, as well. I intend to also feature some cool things that my friends have done in their living spaces, and then maybe move beyond and pull ideas from others around the internet.

This is my first serious blog and so this is all very new to me. Obviously, the first few months will be a learning experience, but it is one that I am looking forward to. My plan is to post at least once a week. Of course, I am a full-time student and work a regular job on top of that, so there might be some weeks when it just isn’t possible. I do however believe in consistency and will do my best to post regularly. I believe that quality should trump quantity, and that will be something that I strive for.

I may, from time to time, link to products  related to what I am posting. I will never link to unrelated products or ones that I feel are not of great quality. This will not, however, be the main focus of the blog. Mostly it will be to direct you to places that may help generate ideas or get you what you need to reproduce something from the post.

I absolutely encourage comments. This blog is all about sharing ideas and I would love to hear what people have to say, or any advice you may have about how I can improve the site. I also plan to eventually have guest posting, so if you’re interested in that please let me know.

So, I think that about covers it. I am so excited to do this and to share my ideas with others who are like-minded!




  • Joe

    Dude, love the new site. Been looking for someone to help me out with this sort of thing. I want to really let my nerd flag fly but I want to do it right. Tasteful, elegant.. you know what I’m saying. Looking forward to checking out some of your ideas man.