• Star Wars,  Wall Art

    DVD Cover Wall Art!

            So, I’ve had these Star Wars pictures in every place I’ve lived for the past ten years or so and I always get comments and compliments on them. And you know what? The pictures were on the reverse of the chapter list cards in the first DVD release of the original trilogy. They looked so cool I just had to do something with them. Really all I did was slide them into 5×7 frames and presto! Instant art for any room.   I know that many people probably no longer have DVDs lying around the house. We’ve all moved on to Blu-ray, streaming, and 4K Ultra…

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    I was going to post something else today, a little idea about using old DVD covers and 5×7 picture frames to use for wall art, but I’ll save it for later. That’s because I’ve thought, since I launched the blog, about what it means to level up one’s base. I realize it’s not some deep philosophy. I’m not that pompous. But it struck me that improving a living space is going to mean different things to different people. For instance, in my case, I have very eclectic tastes (which is a nice way of saying that I like everything and don’t ever get rid of anything.) I’ll be looking to…

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    First Post! – An Introduction to Myself and the Site

    Hello, fellow nerds and geeks. My name is Tim Scott, and this is my new blog, Level Up Your Base. I have always had an interest in design and decor, which I guess comes from my father. He owns an antique shop and always has the coolest stuff! In fact, I get a lot of my furniture, baubles, and knickknacks from his store. I’m also really into video games, movies, anime, comic books, sci-fi and fantasy, steampunk, cyberpunk, and everything else in-between. Several years back I started cultivating my own design style which incorporated many of these elements. What I want to do with this blog is give design ideas…